
How would I teach someone, in a room, how to snowboard?

by Guest32421  |  earlier

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Have a teach a class how to snowboard for speech. I found out its REALLY hard demostrating anything without having speed... shoulda known lol. I don't think I can use videos but I can use props and such. Give me some ideas =P !





  1. I like the other answer, so I'll just add: If it's allowed, ask for a volunteer in your class (maybe someone who is especially interested in learning) to demonstrate ways to find out if you're goofy or regular. Also, just show off your board and bindings. Talk about different types of boards.

  2. Practicing BALANCING ON BOTH EDGES...

    much like in beginner snowboard courses this is a fundamental for learning your edge control, after you get this step down you can learn to carve next)

    Also just your RIDING STANCE....

    Knees bend, *** not way out, elbows or wrists pointed outwards to keep your body nice and parralel to the board.

    You can teach some BASIC TRICKS...

    Ollie, Nollie, 180's, nose press, tail press

    Maybe bring a BALANCE BOARD to class...

    It doesn't help learn to snowboard, but it will improve your balance.  For the class though, it's just a fun related activity.  If you don't want to buy a real wobble board you can make one with a skateboard deck and a 2L pop bottle (filled).  Be carefull if you're using the pop bottle method!!!

    That's all off the top of my head.  Good luck, have fun!

  3. Well instead of how to snowboard why not teach the class how to wax a board? There are all kinds of tutorials on youtube I am sure. Some kid in my speech class actually did that. Brought in the wax and iron I think, I forget. But it seems a little easier and involves a snowboard!

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