
How would I treat an arrow wound?

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How would I treat an arrow wound?




  1. Who shot who?  Call an ambulance....

  2. Like any penetrating wound, rush to the hospital and scream at the top of your lungs"hep me !hep Me! I'ze been shot."

  3. Bow hunting accident? Anyway, treat it as you would any other wound. Clean deeply, apply ointment, and bandage. Would be good to make sure you are up on your tetanus shot, just in case.

  4. uh phil..

    stop playing with weapons.

    You are worrying me!

    like right now. you could be playing with arrows.. AHHH

    Phil phil phil phil.. Don't hurt yourself.. or else.. hahaha

  5. Definitely seek medical attention. This is a puncture wound which requires a tetanus shot. Proper cleaning and antibotics, either by injection or medication or both. It could require stitches or staples or at least dressing the wound.

  6. Well, the problem with arrow wounds is that debris gets dragged into the wound... and this causes infection and infection causes gang green and that means poison that will kill you ultimately if it isn't attended to appropriately by proper medical staff.

    The wound needs to be cleaned properly first, disinfected, stitched up and then kept clean... you know... tetanus is also a potential factor... so some immuity shots and so on... let's face it.. it isn't something to be done at home at the kitchen table if you want to be properly treated.

  7. Remember, if it's a barbed arrowhead it's easier to push it through than pull it out.....

    ...and pour plenty of whisky in, and on, the victim.

  8. lmfao how the **** did u get shot with an arrow

  9. As in a bow & arrow?

    Whatever you do, don't pull it out as it will most likely cause more damage. Same as a knife wound, leaving it in there restricts the bleeding and helps doctors determine which angle and how far it went in. Keep it as still as possible and call the paramedics.

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