
How would Randy,Paula and Simon rate Obama and McCain?

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How would Randy,Paula and Simon rate Obama and McCain?




  1. obama; simion terrible your better as prisdent

  2. Simon: What kind of white trash are the Americans voting for with Palin. Give me a break. (applause laughter) She is against s*x ed and has a child with a bun in the oven. She doesnt believe in global warming that is it caused by humans. She doesnt believe polar bears are at risk. And she against the wishes of Alaska voters for aerial hunting she ignored them and went ahead and gave 150 for four legs of each dead wolf. She believes in carrying the baby of a child getting raped by her father. She lies and there are photos on the net of her kids carrying rifles and bottles of booze. She is nothing but White Trash. Come on people Wake up....Oh Simon (please that was harsh) yes but it was d**n spot on now wasnt it ..

  3. Randy:  I just don't feel it with Obama, I mean, I gotta go with McCain on this one...

    Paula:  Oh my God, you both inspire me *turns chair, wipes tears from  her face*

    Simon:  Obama, that was c**p.  McCain, I can't say you're the worst, because you're not, but you're not the best either... you gotta try harder...

  4. Randy: You guys are just great man. was beautiful..i loved that third president.

    Simon: It's terrible.

  5. I'm LMAO at the answers!!

    Roni's is hilarious...." Yay!! We're going to Washington!

    Too funny!!

  6. i care.

  7. randy would say something like "i like you dogg" paula would say something like i really like it and simon would say that seriously horrible but i think obama would move on to hollywood

  8. Who cares?

  9. Randy: (Obama) You are one of the best candidates I have seen in life.

    (McCain) Not one of the best I've come across.

    Paula: (Obama) well eh.. I.. We-- Goi..-- I, ed--

    (McCain) Wsdf skj-- sdkj.,   sdf=

    Simon: (both) BEDROOM PERFORMANCE!!!


    i dont know but this was just a funny *** question.

  11. In response to the DNC and RNC

    Randy: "Dog, you did your thing dog. You guys are the BOMB!"

    Paula: "I am just so proud. You are a shining star."

    Simon: "I don't mean to be rude, but it was like watching paint dry. I think it was a complete and utter disaster."

    Randy: "Guess what dog, you get a golden ticket, on to DC!"

    Obama and McCain: "Yay!" jumps up and down flashing the golden ticket to the camera. "We're going to DC!"

  12. ...and the next president of the United States of America will be... Mr. Clay Aiken!

  13. Randy to McCAin: Man, I mean dog & just ain't feel it, I know you got a good story man but I got judge by your performance & it just ain't shakin baby, but keep telling that story man. You got find you audience. VFW hall man they love them all tunes but we got go by the times baby

    Randy to Obama: Aw Man, You are what this show is all about. Let's here it from the dog pound, bark, bark, bark

    Paula to McCain: Sweety I'm so sorry you just aren't right. Try improving, Let go of that old story & do something that has to do with 2008

    Paula to Obama: she would kiss both her hands & thow the kisses to him, then run up & say "I just have to kiss you"

    Simon to McCain: horrible, you are the most horrible, Your boring, YOu appearence is not what young people want to look at. You, find a day job get out of this business

    Simon to Obama: I think people are going to like you. I like you, You are very good at this. You are the best we have ever seen.

  14. they would luv obama i think but simin might like mcain. idk

    but i think im right

  15. OMG, is this what it is going to boil down to? Why don't you ask THEM?

  16. Well simon would probably say something like " YOU ARE A COMPLETE DISAAASTER!!!!!!!! YOU SUUCK!!!! YOU WILL NEVER BE PRESIDENT!! " or something like that Paula would probably be like " you're good but... i kinda of don't think you're good enough sorry " and randy would saaay something like " hey um.. dude.. well you're good buut like you need to do better " or somthing like puala  

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