
How would Sarah Palin interpret the 4th Amendment's search and seizure provision, and the FISA court?

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As it relates to wiretapping and government surveillance?

Mitt Romney made it clear that he supported limits on the ignorance of the 4th Amendment that had been practiced by the Bush administration, and supported the work of the FISA court.

What is Sarah Palin's record of constitutional interpretation on this matter and others? What would her suggestive jurisprudence look like?

McCain is 72, and according to actuarial tables, there is a 15% chance he dies before age 76. These are critical questions. If Palin is not ready to be Commander in Chief, then a McCain/Palin ticket is unacceptable, and honest conservatives will have no choice but to choose Barr.




  1. Obama supports FISA,

    Here's evidence:

  2. You are aware that Obama voted in favor of FISA, aren't you?

  3. Barr 08

  4. I think you'd get a better answer by asking Sarah Palin and not the bleeding heart liberals that patrol this site...As for McCain's "untimely" death...don't worry about it too much...Reagan survived an assassination attempt, and the government functioned just as efficiently (like any government is really efficient) while he recovered.  Besides according to your actuarial tables there is a 85% chance that he will not die before the age of 76.  And Sarah Palin was a Mayor then Governor, she has executive experience...what's Obama got?  Three years on a campaign trail?  Five years as a "community organizer" (whatever the h**l that means)?

  5. Obama is Harvard Law....Palin is Idaho State. Obama is Chicago and Washington. Palin is small town in Alaska. Experience is not just about office but about "knowledge and exposure". I think Obama, although no executive experience knows 90% more of what Palin knows.

  6. Probably the way the Supreme Court does. FISA is constitutional and has been used to catch foreign terrorists in the U.S..

    Every year foreign terrorists are caught in America. They violate the Geneva Conventions by not wearing uniforms and they may live near you.

    In the early 1970s, the Supreme Court indicated that the 4th amendment was designed to be flexable. The founding father Hamilton said national security is more important than individual rights.

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