
How would Sun/Moon oppositions in natal charts affect a relationship.

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My Sun/Moon combination is Cancer/Capricorn and my boyfriend's is Taurus/Scorpio. We are both born on Full Moon's as well.




  1. in no way. that was all conventions just like 12 months make a year is a convention to keep tack of time. what if we had said that it's 13 moonths that make a year, then what signs would be that last month since there's only 12 signs in our convention???

  2. Wow! I found my twin!!! Jk. Well, I'm Scorpio Sun, Taurus Moon getting to know someone who is Cappie Sun and Cancer moon also. Our relationship is well, I just find him too needy and clingy sometimes. Overall it's good. You have to give your scorpio some space sometimes as cancer can be too needy or too emotional. Otherwise it can cause problems.

    Here's something I found on this aspect-

    The placement of the Sun and Moon in opposite signs shows an inconsistency of the flow of energies in your life. There is some conflict between your conscious will and your emotions. You may experience an ebb and flow to your ability to express yourself, and in your productivity. You may find yourself frequently at odds with those with whom you must come in contact. Relationships mean much to you, and you need them to be solid. To succeed in relationships, you must give more than you receive. You may have difficulties releasing the past and forcing yourself to move forward.

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