
How would YOU prefer Earth to meet it's end?

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We all know the different scenarios and even what is more probable, but I want to know is which astronomic catastrophe or scenario would be most exciting and interesting to you?




  1. sudden , inexplicable supernova, highly unlikely, but what a way to go.

  2. The Large Hadron Collider creating strange matter made up of even amounts of Up, Down, and Strange quarks which will go "ice-nine" on our asses and turn the entire Earth into strange matter... it is the most interest way to go I think.

    Imagine, a world made up of all strange matter and Tom Cruise... he can't get any stranger X)

  3. I think it will be one that no one expects... Its obviously that the earth is over populated as it is with 7 billion people, and scientists estimate that by 2050, there will be 9.5. I think we will over populate ourselves to extinction. That is if we don't get smacked by a big comet in space, as you stated.

  4. Asteroids would be the greatest, most interesting of all time. Hitting California and causing a major Tsunami on the other side of the world. December 21 2012 (google search it) it actually may happen, nostradamus  predicted it along with the event of 9/11/01, along with the Mayans end of the calender, check it out

  5. how about earth getting blast into oblivion by Gamma Ray Burst sending out from Eta Carinae.. or any Hyper Nova near by..

  6. I think all those 2012ers, Moonhoaxers, Flatearthers etc  become so dense they turn into black holes  and swallow the earth.

  7. The Borg comes and makes everyone a part of the collective.

  8. I had to answer this mainly to contradict Joe.  Nostradamus didn't predict squat.  Never have any translations of his predictions been correct when made BEFORE the fact.  And all the ones that they *claim* are correct, were twisted and tortured selectively from any of hundreds of vague and totally ambiguous verses *after* the fact, and then applied to whatever event seems like it matches in some way.  Even then, parts are ignored when they don't fit and other parts are interpreted in ridiculous ways in order to get a "match."  Let's remember, according to one documentary in the 1980s, we were supposed to have had world war 3, total nuclear holocaust in the 1990's, and the end of the world by now.  So much for Nostradamus.

    Nothing is expected to happen in 2012.  That is a lot of modern bunk and typical of the same kind of garbage these people come up with every 5 to 10 years.

    Collisions will probably take their toll over the eons, but I would prefer that the planet, and life of some kind, make it all the way to the expansion of the sun into a red giant about 5 billion years from now.  On the other hand, there would be less over-all suffering  if life was extinguished in some huge collision, as that would happen much faster.  So, I'm torn between the two.  In any case, I don't expect to be around to see either.

  9. i would just want it to suddenly blow up wiping out all life immediatly. i don't want to spend my final days watching all life coming to an end. if i was on another planet, i would want everything that is supposed to happen in 2012 to happen in 2013 just to see the expressions on the 2012 believer's faces.

    but nothing is going to happen in 2012 or 2013 that is going to end the world.

  10. Two words: Death Star.

  11. the way it's expected to will be wild enuff.... to see the oceans boil away, Antartica revealed, Mercury into a puff of smoke, Venus sizzled like a burger and then Earth..... engulfed by that which had for so long given the Universe "Life" takes it away.... Mars is the new Mercury, the Asteroids fall into the sun, Jupiter's moons forsake it to plunge in, too.... now the solar wind blows away the gasses of the big planets.... and they shrink..... the cold outer planets change orbit from the increased gravity of the nearer star stuff and go off like comets into new orbits..... stuff from the Oort cloud comes barreling in..... Chaos reigns...........and about then, Andromeda comes to engulf  the area and change it further.... soon nothing will remain that could even be suggested as "We were here".... unless maybe Pioneer and Voyager are still out there somewhere.....

  12. Jesus Christ return to establish God's Kingdom here on Earth.

  13. i would like to seethe earth engulfed in the sun.......poof!!!!..haha

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