
How would a American immigrant go about finding a job before moving to London?

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i know i need a visa to work and live there but what about after that is there a site i can go to online with job postings or post a resume for London business owners to see?




  1. Moving from America to London? Are you crazy?

  2. You stand very little chance of a job unless you are prepared to work in a bar or cafe. Most of these jobs are taken by Poles and Australians who work extremely hard for very little reward. They only survive by sharing 10 to a room. Do you want to do that?

  3. Start search in main search engine for "london jobs" and you will find some online recruitment agencies i.e. to get you started.

  4. try mcdonalds

  5. Try the ones below.

    Good luck. I work in London myself and think it's a truly amazing city. (Couldn't live there though, so I commute 35 miles in and 35 miles out each day! Must be mad.)

    Just one thing: remember we call it a CV, not a resume!

  6. There are plenty of employment exchange buildings where there are jobs advertised and they will help you to get work Type in employment exchange and there are numerous sites such as

  7. Some good links from Lee B, you could also try

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