
How would a dwarf chichlid go in this community tank? Best answer may be awarded.?

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The tank is 36"x12"x12" (90cmx30cmx30cm) and holds about 20 gallons I believe. Im looking at getting either a pair of Kribs or a pair of Ramirez's dwarf cichlid's.

In my tank at the moment there is:

1 Male Dwarf Gourami (Not sure he'll last, big sore on his lip)

10 neon tetras

2 two inch plecos

1 forest of Hygrophila

The ph is quite low (6.0-6.8) and temp is around 26 degrees celcius or 78 fahr.

Would these fish fit into this tank?




  1. As long as the Gourami is ill (sounds like columnaris... I'd start treating with Maracyn 2, Trisulfa, Triple Sulfa, Maracyn TC, TC Capsules, Kanaplex, Furan 2,  or similar medications), I would not add any fish.  If you either cure or lose the Gourami, wait a couple weeks to add the new fish.  Either the Rams or Kribs would work fine, but the Rams would be better at saving space, as they are a bit smaller than Kribs.  In the end, it will come down to your personal preference, as these fish are almost identical as far as needs.   Kribs are a bit hardier, but Rams are more attractive in my opinion.

  2. i agree about the possible disease the gourami has, perhaps isolate in another cycled tank (with increased oxygen as his gills may be damaged from the disease) if possible and treat there before returning after full recovery.  Columnaris thrive on waste so make sure you do regular water changes and control rapid change in temperature

    you should be right with the tetra as the ramirez is not a large fish

    your conditions and size of tank would also suit this fish (2 max, more will need 30g or more).  i'm sure i don't need to tell you to get a male and a female as the ramirez will fight with other small cichlid males

    good luck!!

  3. Hi,

    Yeh dwarf cichlids will go fine the only time you may have a problem is if they start breeding and species like kribensis will chase the other fish to the other end of the tank, but if you have no interest in breeding them then they will be fine.

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