
How would a gal go about moving to Australia?

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I need a change of pace and a warmer climate. Anybody have a knowledge they'd like to throw my way?




  1. my advice is make a plan, find somewhere you would like to go in Australia (i suggest Melbourne its a beautiful place)

    Then find a job.

    then move to australia, and never turn back

  2. Just do it luv and work it out when you get here. lol

  3. Rupert G -

    You really aren't a very bright spark, are you?

    Australia rarely has dangerous animals, unless you move to the country. It's not like you'd be walking to a resturant, and you;d stop in the path of a snake.

    I live near the City, and the only dangerous animals are cats and dogs.

    What you would do, I assume you would have to apply for citizenship, the test would be fairly easy, then figure out if you want to keep your current place, in the US or wherever you live.

    What State would you be interested in? You would have to choose a place.

    I've lived in Sydney for my whole life, it's a great place. The area is great, and we don't always have bbqs, say G-day and eat 'bangas and mash'.

    That's just a sterotype that really doesn't impress me, and most other Aussies.

  4. Well I'm from Adelaide, Australia... what would you like to know?

    Email if you'd like.

  5. I wouldn't go to Australia if I were you .There are lots of dangerous and venomous animals.

  6. Start here at to check out whether you can migrate, or do a working holiday etc.

    To check out jobs you can look on or or

    To find an Aussie to marry check out sites like or to find one to have fun with when you get here check out

    To check out the lifestyle, just ask here or do some searching usually starting from the local council or state government websites.

  7. Visit the Australian Immigration website and read up on what you need to do

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