
How would a girl like this be treated on a military base?

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the daughter of an officer, she's very headstrong and hot-tempered and has a dominant personality, isn't good at taking orders from others, likes to run things on her own schedule, a tendency to try to dominate others all the time. can't stand having to live by other people's rules, and doesn't do well with order. a feminist, constantly rejects the more sexist assumptions of the military.

her family is very traditional, authoritarian father who likes house rules and duty rosters etc. and submissive mother.

how would she be treated? would she be looked down on? would she often be in trouble? would they try to change her?

how would she be treated by her traditional military family, and how would she be treated by the military as a whole?




  1. They wouldn't "try" to change her, they WOULD change her attitude or she would find her asss back out on the street.   They wouldn't give a d**n if daddy was an officer, that's daddy and she has to prove her self.  

  2. It sounds like her (or your)  pre-formed opinions of the "sexist" military and her attitude in general will make her few friends.  But It won't bring trouble in the way of discipline or legal trouble.  Unless, as a family member she is breaking laws or post/base restrictions.  I imagine she could bring professional embarassment to her father and family.  Someone with so few life experiences who seems eager to put others in their place for their beliefs or adherance to rules and regulations could do with some maturing, but that's hardly a crime.

  3. I would treat her like every other Marine in my unit.  I wouldn't care in the world about her daddy, if she joined the military, the military are her parents now!  She'll end up being hated by her peers and the command would reject her as a top performer.  We want people that can follow orders and obey them.  We want people of competence not individuals.  If was her parents, I would be ashamed of raising a heathen like her!  The military would do her great in discipline!

  4. daddy's  rank and position means diddly.. if she gets into trouble on base she can and will be kicked off.  and daddy will get into trouble for it to.


  5. Sounds like the girl should be packed off to a boarding school where she could be herself.

    I had a friend in high school whose father was a high ranking Navy officer.

    She went to live with him when she was fifteen.  She was a free spirit whose style of dress was "hippie". This did not go very well on base where she was expected to dress more conservatively.

    Your friend may have similar problems, but then she may find other "free spirits" to hang out with.

    But to spare here trouble, she should go to boarding school.

  6. Sounds like this girl needs to get her *** beat.  I'm all for individuality, but that's just ridiculous.  She tries to dominate others all the time?  She can't stand living by other people's rules?  You know, it's a good thing she lives in America (I assume) because in some countries they kill people for that c**p.  

    I'd say she would be treated the same way she treats others.  Yes she would be looked down on.  She would only be in trouble as often as she causes it.  I'm sure someone would try to change her.  Family is family and I don't think they would treat her any different.  As for the military as a depends on what she says and who she says it to.  If she says the wrong thing to the wrong person, she's gonna be in a mess.  Sad but true.  Sounds like she needs a man in her life.  Or woman, whatever she prefers.

  7. You have really asked two different questions:

    How is a dependent like that treated? and

    How is a service member like that treated?

    As a dependent, as long as she breaks no actual laws or regulations she will be handled gently OUTSIDE her family.  INSIDE she will probably be held to serious account for damaging her father's promotion chances.  Maybe boarding school is the answer, especially if she is college age. If Dad cannot get minimal conformity from his child, how can he command troops?

    As a service member, the person you describe will probably not be able to survive basic, ROTC Summer Camp, OCS, or a service academy, so the problem is self correcting.

  8. arron is right about that being 2 questions.

    Is she a dependent or active military herself.

    As a defendant, there is not a lot the military can do to her. If she breaks the law or violates a rule or regulation of the base, she can be kicked off the base and banned from base privileges.

    If she obeys the laws and regulations, she will not really be bothered all that much. Maybe her parents will have to lay down the law on her to make sure she behaves.

    If however, she is active duty, she will be expected to get with the program. Everyone is told what is expected, and they are expected to do what is told.

    Contrary to popular opinion, the military does not brainwash or change you. Change comes from with in. A person has to consciously and willingly change. However, by structure and design the military can make change more desirable.

    People who don't adapt to military custom and tradition, usually don't make it past their first enlistment. They usually get into some type of trouble and are sometimes administratively discharged for failure to adapt. Others get into various other trouble for disobeying rules and regulations.

    However, the girl that you mentioned sounds like a typical young person. I bet she could do well in the military, if she learned teamwork, and following orders. A lot of self-motivated people do well. She just has to learn to work with others and follow direction.

    The military isn't all that bad. After boot camp, and what ever school you go to work. You have free time and can do a lot of things that you want to do. You just have to maintain yourself in a military life style.

  9. Before or after somebody stomped a mud hole in her butt.

  10. the same as off of a military base? society isn't that much different.

  11. I don't think she'd be happy there, but she doesn't sound like a very happy person anyway.  

    If you're not good at getting along with people, then mil. housing is not for you.  And her father is responsible for her actions, and the consequences are really severe if she screws up, so her dad is going to be coming down on her pretty often.  

    She would be looked down on, partly for being a pain and partly for not caring about her dad's career.  And someone may try to teach her a lesson if she's really a pain in the aarse.  But that could happen anywhere.    

    Everyone in the family plays a part in the success of a military career.  I'm sorry she doesn't know that.  

    So my only suggestion is therapy so she learns how to deal with her dad until she's out on her own.  

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