
How would a landlord give possession back to a tenant once a landlord is awarded possession?

by  |  earlier

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new lease? notarized statement? note on receipt? what?




  1. If a landlord wanted to return possession to a tenant, he could do it any way he liked.

  2. Umm if the landlord was awarded possession then he don't have to give you squat. Its his

  3. well he first have to give you 30 days to get out proper papers has to be served on you to take back possession of said property.your personal things are your he can not keep.if he trys he will have to pay for your stuff.

  4. If it was court awarded to the landlord, the best you can do is probably appeal the decision, or talk to the landlord directly or company directly and see if they're nice enough to give you something back, that's the best thing I think you can do.  Hope this helps.

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