
How would a non biological father go about getting his name off the birth certificate without the courts?

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How would a non biological father go about getting his name off the birth certificate without the courts?




  1. They couldn't. It is a legal document, therefore would need to be handled legally.  

  2. It's not possible to accomplish without the help of the courts because the birth certificate is considered a permanent document.  ANY changes to it have to go through the court.  I have a friend who had the wrong s*x marked on her birth certificate and it wasn't discovered until she was going to fly to Mexico when she was 20.  Talk about a fiasco!   She couldn't go on her honeymoon because of it!!

  3.   You can't with out the court.  And sometimes not even then!  In NJ, if you have been listed as the father for 3 years or more, and then you find out you are not the father, too bad, you still have to pay child support.

  4. You are gonna need the courts. I don't think there is a way around that.

  5. You will have to go to court.  It has to be ordered by a judge.  You will also have to prove that you are NOT dad and take a paternity test.  That also has to be ordered by a judge.

    Good Luck.......

    you're gonna need it.......

  6. As has been said you can't it's a legal document that needs handing legally..

    Also the guy should have thought about that before putting his name on there in the first place!

  7. You can't!

  8. He couldn't. It would have to go through the courts.

  9. Just go to the social secuity office, if they won't do it there go where you get the birthcerticate.  

  10. The courts must be used because testing is necessary and must be presented to the judge.

  11. He wasnt suppose to sign the birth certificate in the first place if he wasnt the paternal father. The paternal father can come up at any time and file suit to take the baby away and he could face jail time for signing it. Another thing is if he wants to leave the state then he better get the mothers permission because they werent married at the time. Right now he is alone in his rights. He can petition the courts for custody and explain his mistakes but a search for the paternal father will still have to be done.

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