
How would a regular United States citizen go about reporting illegal immigrants?

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there is a group of anywhere between 12-20 chinese people that live across the street from me (in the same house). These people work for a local chinese restaurant. There is a large economy-van that picks these individuals up every morning at 10 and brings them home every night between 10 and 11 (depending on the day). Every few weeks, the coordinators of this fiasco trade these indivuals out, late at night (early morning) and recieve new 'slaves' to work. The only time these people are allowed to be outside is when they are getting on/off the van. Depending on the time of year there are as many as 20 of these people. I do strongly believe that this is very much illegal and it sickens me that this is permitable in my town.




  1. Call the FBI and Immigration, If you can not find the number, ask the FBI.

  2. To report any suspicious activity please call 1-866-347-2423.

    Emailed reports of suspicious activity or "tips" are not accepted at this time.

  3. You have no way of knowing their immigration status, but if you believe that there is a crime going on, involving slavery, you can call the local cops.  If you think you know the immigration status of these people, then look in the phone book, under United States Government, for Immigration and Customs.

  4. call the police, fbi, cia, whatever!

  5. Call the FBI to investigate. Perhaps they can uncover the unlawful slavery if there is any. Noone deserves to be slaves, including illegal immigrants. However, I also think our government is doing nothing to solve the border problem. The best solutions: Ending birthright citizenship and free services to illegals.

  6. Contact the federal government agency Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Here is their contact number to report suspicious activity.

    Report Suspicious Activity:



  7. you should mind your own business. let them be.

  8. call the FBI its in the phone book no lie

  9. Sure sounds like somthing illegal is going on.  I agree you should call FBI or at the very least your local law inforcement agency.

    If nothing illegal is going on it will ease your mind.  If something illegal is going on you helped stop it and that is what every law abiding citizen should do.

  10. why the h**l do you wanna do that? let them be, don't interfere with their life. that is their choice to work like that and they went trough h**l only to come to the states.

    the police will only arrest them. the business owner will continue his doing somewhere else with other immigrants, so your actions will only hurt innocent and poor people.

  11. just call the cops. it does sound VERY illegal.

  12. The simplest way (avoiding involvement for yourself) would be to make an anonymous phone call to your local law eforcement and report the situation - from a pay phone, of course. If you have no problem getting yourself involved, do the same thing in person, and if you have fears you will be ignored, do it in the company of local news reporters. That will insure the local people escalate to the federal level rather than be found out publicly as ignoring you. Of course, if this is NOT an illegal situation, you might get in trouble yourself - I have not heard anything in your description that actually states anything that is specifically illegal - the changing of persons at the location MAY simply be a local philanthropist to the oriental community helping immigrants get green cards. People (being the analog folks we are) do the darndest things, but not necessarily illegal.

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