
How would a shy girl let you know that she likes you?

by  |  earlier

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Other more open girls are a little more open and they hint with their bodies, but shy girls are not very expressive and its hard to tell. What would a shy girl do when she likes you and if she's ready to be kissed, etc.?




  1. She'll look at you when you're not looking.. she'll try to be around you all the time but she won't give the first step.

  2. Well I'm a really shy girl, and when i like a guy I'm still very shy, sometimes i don't even talk. I will smile at them if there looking at me and talk quietly around them but I'm never really outgoing around them at first...and when i wanna kiss the guy knowing that he likes me back before we start dating i just sit there close beside him and when it gets quite while were talking i just kinda look at his lips and smile every time he smiles at me...then boom it always that's how i do it being a shy girl...but that's just me i don't know about other shy girls.

  3. snort

  4. If she really actually dose like you then she will most likely tell you not in person,but threw texting or the internet...some shy girls dont even tell there crush they like them at all.

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