
How would a social process theorist explain that young kids commit crime and adults don't? ... In criminology.

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I'm taking a criminology course and don't fully understand this question... I've never taken one before and don't really understand what a social process theorist is.. Can anyone help me???




  1. If you're talking about from a social learning theory, it has to do with being socialized in a deviant subculture, and having peer pressure. Usually social learning theory looking at children has to do with their norms that they have been exposed to, and the influence of other people around them. This is a main reason why some children commit crimes according to many criminology theories.

    Social process theory is better known as social learning, and it makes it easier to understand if you put it that way. Basically it relies on socialization and the impact it has on the individual.

    *** Also, young kids do NOT commit more crimes than adults. Persons aged 18 to 25 commit the most crimes out of all ages.

  2. I think it would be a theorist - a person - coming up with ideas on the casues of crime. Hmm though not fully sure, the question itself isn't great, and I do not do criminology.

  3. kudos to the chick above me who answered this. Socialization is the key. The process by which young children learn deviant behavior.  Edwin Sutherland's Learning Theory is a prime example - if the definitions favorable to deviant behavior outweigh those favorable to conventional behavior. There is another social process theory called Neutralization Theory by Skykes and Matza - suggests that sometimes delinquents feel guilt and remorse - based on this, they "drift" in and out of criminal behavior and fall into one of five neutralization techniques to justify their behavior.

  4. wot a loads of codswollup,adults commit crime, thats where kids get it from,read up on it

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