
How would a top racing bike compete against an F1 car?

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How would a top racing bike compete against an F1 car?




  1. The bike would win. F1 have better braking? Imposible because the weight/mass diffenerce.....The more weight=the harder to stop. The bike would have better acceleration, turning, braking, and possibly topspeed. therefore the  bike would win.

  2. Very hard to say, as there are no tracks that the MotoGP & F1 team share. Even the the few they used to go have a couple of bends thown in to slow the cars down a bit.

    If truth be know, the only place the bike would win is in a 0 -100?Mph race.

    Everywhere else the [ modern ] F1 would beat it.

    Its not so much the car, more the spoilers and tyres.

    All an F1 car is these days is massive plane wing upside down, them spoilers are just making the car stick to the track, giving the tyres [ which are wider then my house! ] massive grip. Same for braking. 4 X 17" carbon disc brakes. You would slow down slower by hitting a wall.

    I love MotoGP, any regular on here will tell you that, but in the real would the F1 would win.

    ............... 10 / 15 years ago on the other hand ........

  3. Equal ish on the straights, bike a fractional advantage. F1 car has superior braking, so over a lap F1 car faster.

  4. F1 car would win hands down. Bigger engine, more power to weight ratio. better braking, more traction, and a lot faster around corners due to down-force. as Wiggysan points out.

    even if the bike could accelerate faster the chances are the bike would spin up where the cars extra weight and bigger tyres would give it the traction required. the bike is limited to its corner speed by lean angle and tyre grip. the car gets more grip the faster it goes. and as good as the bikes are with carbon fibre brakes. its still tyre grip that slows it down. the car has the extra weight, the extra down-force and bigger brakes on all 4 wheels. adding stability under braking.

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