
How would a typical professor ( male ) react if he came to knew that a male student of his loved him ??

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Plz dont take me g*y ; I am just curious




  1. I would barf.

  2. how would a typical professor [male] react if he came to know that a male student of his loved him?

              answer=being a good professor ,he should stay away from this garbage.

               source= common sense.  

  3. Most likely, he will be uncomfortable but polite, and make it clear that he just wants to be friends.

    The fact that he is a professor probably won't make any difference, except that he may be enlightened enough not to be rude or homophobic.

  4. He will definitely think you are a g*y.

    But I think you are not going to do it.

    Love from man to man is different.

    Love from Man to woman is different.

    Love from woman to Man is different.

    Love itself is unexplainable.

  5. He'd generally be considerate of the guy, maybe flattered even.

    However, if he wasn't a nice guy, I'd figure he'd act entirely revolted.


  7. It is normal for all guy to rattle if someone has a crush in them especially if it is a guy. He will shock to death or more of want to die. He will find ways for you to get off the wall. He will more likely hang out with professors that are girls and make you jealous.

  8. If he was a professional, he would not react at all.

  9. Know not "knew".

  10. Lol! Now that's a bloody hilarious question. The only person I know of to whom this has happened is Ross Geller on Friends (played by David Schwimmer). I would like to think that if the Prof. is a genuinely nice guy, he'll just tell the boy he's flattered but that he's not interested.

  11. maybe he wouldnt take it seroiusly....??

  12. Anybody would be flattered knowing that some body's got a crush on him may he be of the same s*x or opposite s*x. But being a professional, he would definitely hide the amusement to himself and still go unaffected.  

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