
How would a vegan make a meringue?

by Guest61066  |  earlier

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I'm not certain it can be done without albumen, but would be interested to know.




  1. it cant be done. meringue requires albumen.  

  2. Sadly, a spot-on vegan meringue is still a mythical creature.  But I know of a couple of food-science-y types who are working on it.  And I had a vegan marshmallow pie a month or so ago that was a pretty d**n good approximation of meringue (but better tasting.)  I expect the maker's pie cookbook that came out recently has the recipe.  Check out "The Complete Book of Pies" by Julie Hasson.


    1 and 1/3 tsp. agar powder (or 2 T. + 2 tsp. agar flakes) mixed with 1/4 c. cold water

    3/4 c. cold water

    1/2 c. EnerG egg replacer powder (only this one will whip up sufficiently)

    1/2 c. light unbleached or white beet sugar

    4 tsp. vanilla

    1/2 tsp. lemon extract

    Mix the agar and water in a small saucepan and let sit for about 5 minutes. Stir over medium heat until it simmers, then allow to simmer 1 minute.

    In a deep medium bowl, beat the egg replacer and 3/4 c. water in a small, deep bowl, with electric mixer on HI. Use a small or large stand mixer, a handheld elcectric mixer or egg beater, or a beater attachment (whire whip type) for a food processor or immersion blender, You have to beat it for for 12 minutes (yes, 12!!), or until thick, white, and forms peaks. Beat in the sugar, vanilla and lemon extract, then the cooked agar mixture. Beat well to distribute the agar evenly. When smooth and glossy, cool it in the refrigerate. It will firm up. Beat it again briefly, then pile the mixture around the edge of the cooled pie (remove any paper or plastic covering ), leaving the edge of the crust and the center showing. Make little “peaks” in the "meringue" with the back of a spoon. Refrigerate until ready to serve.(This will keep only a day.)

  4. With great difficulty.  

  5. The same way as a non vegan would - it cannot be done tho there is a product that is like an artificial egg which  apparently works fine in other cakes, muffins and baked goods

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