I recently applied for medicaid so i could afford anti depression drugs but was denied. I have have a pretty shaky work history and currently am unemployed. I seem to have a cycle of doing well (employed and happy) then i start getting depressed and slowly lose everything ive worked for.
The most easy solution seems to be go get a job with a health package. Weather it be depression, low self esteem or laziness, i simply cannot find it in me to keep getting rejected by these employers (i live in a tourist area so the jobs are low paying and we also barely have any work avail in our county, making the job situation even worse).
If i could just get some anti depressant drug prescribed to me i feel like it might just make all the difference. ive been on them before but due to losing a job was unable to continue the treatment.
medicaid denied me. What does a girl have to do to get help with depression right away regardless of money or health benefits? I dont have the cash to go see a doctor at full price nor pay for the perscription. what do i do? I just want to strt putting my life back together so i can move on and be happy.