
How would advice offered to policymakers differ depending on which role an economist assumes?

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How would advice offered to policymakers differ depending on which role an economist assumes?




  1. Economic advisers assume three different kinds of role:

    (a) Pleader for the policv choice made by aor preferred by the policy maker: Here his advice will be rather on gathering and marshalling arguments and facts in support of the policy choice.

    (b) Professional Analyst: Here the economist nalyses the problems from all possible angles, generative alternative policy choices, details their implications and the trade offs involved and leaves it to the policy maker to make his choice.

    (c)/ Policy Recommendation Advice: Do as in (a) and then based on one's own value judgement and idelopgical convictions and or gut feeling about future risks and uncertainties recommend a particulat policy choice and argue for it.

  2. which role?

    I am not sure what you are asking but, think about incentives. does an economists has an incentive for a policy based on their theory or their work  YES. so consider incentives first and foremost

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