
How would anyone start fighting to get any experience at all if they do not live by any schools or anything?

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i live in louisiana, very very south. near morgan city. there is nothing around me that i could join to start in any mixed martial arts schools. i dont really live by anything. and i was just wondering, how would i go about starting to get experience and fight in tournaments and stuff? please help me, i am new to this kinda of stuff.




  1. I'd start off learning some kind of striking, since you don't need a partner for the really basic stuff, and you need to drill technique.  

    Start off with some simple books and instructional videos as well as some equipment.  I'd recommend a heavy bag, speed bag, and double end bag for beginners, as well as a timer and a video camera.  Muay Thai is a great foundation art, and you can learn the 3 main "zones" that strikers focus on (kicking, punching, and clinch).  

    Video tape yourself and watch it - pay close attention to your footwork, as well as striking technique. Pause your video and look at yourself mid-strike to make sure your technique is correct.  Drill correct strikes and combinations on the various bags.  Build up to doing multiple 3 or 5 minute rounds of constant, powerful, quick, and accurate strike combinations with 1 minute rest between rounds.

    ***This can only take you so far - you'll eventually need a coach, sparring partners, grappling training, takedown training, conditioning, etc.  But in the mean time this is a start***

    Good luck.

  2. first thing you should do is to get into the habit of working out by yourself. you have to be well conditioned to fight. and the best thing that i can tell you is probably order some videos on line and study and practice the moves. but I'm telling you from experience that you have to be in superman shape to do that type of fighting. good luck!

  3. Move

    If you're serious about it, you'll change your life for it.

  4. get some martial arts movies.

    In the movie "Bulletproof Monk"

    the main character "Kar" learned how to fight by watching and acting out what he saw in the movies.

  5. If you're still in school, join your wrestling team.  Once you've done that, seek out any boxing, kickboxing, muay thai schools for stand up and any jiu jitsu schools for submissions.  

    If you find both stand up and jiu jitsu schools go with the better instructor.

    If you can't find any schools that teach any of the aforementioned disciplines, do what former UFC MW champion Evan Tanner did and get some instructional videos.  You obviously need someone to spar with as well.

    The best instructionals (in no particular order) are Bas Rutten's big DVD's of combat, GSP volumes 1 & 2, and Mario Spery's Vale Tudo series.  

    There are plenty of other instructionals here:

    but I would strongly recommend the ones listed above.  Hope that helps.

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