
How would government reduce smoking rate o math that of other countries.?

by  |  earlier

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give atleast 4 ways and how it would affect demand and supply for ciggarettes




  1. they're going to do this

  2. ban vending machines - can't supply underage as easily with cigarettes.

    raise prices-people will stop being ably to afford them

    stop providing healthcare for illnesses linked with smoking, eg lung cancer etc, as people don't want to pay for private healthcare.

    raise minimum age for buying cigarettes - makes it harder for younger people to get cigarettes, is well researched fact that the younger you start smoking the more likely you are to become addicted and suffer illnesses later on, so stop the temptation!

  3. Increase taxes is the basic way.  Increase transparency like in Canada where the packages have to say how much tar and carcinogens are in each cigarette.  They also put pictures of illnesses on packages, but I think that just grosses people out rather than make them quit.  The ingredients thing I've seen at work first hand because people move towards the lightest varieties and therefore least addictive.  So when the time comes to quit it's a lot easier to quit if you had less nicotine running through your brain.

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