
How would handle a man that likes to tell his buddies that he wears the pants in the family but he secretly?

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likes to sometimes prance around in my silky panties?





  1. Becky, or is it Samantha today.  Please just embrace that you are a closeted male cross-dresser that has a fetish for girls underclothes.

  2. The "man" has to always make himself look good for his friends or whoever.. But you know the "truth" thats what counts!

  3. Put on his pants when they visit and say who's wearing the pants now HA HA.

  4. well how are YOU handling it?


    Hey LUCSIOUS AND BEAUTIFUL--->what part(s) of that twisted thing you just said do YOU actually beleive?

  5. OMG! I would be laughing all the time because he is a joke.

  6. Silky panties are still pants....aren't they?

  7. Isn't that all the self proclaimed ALPHA men?

    lol d**n...I was just kidding

    To the men who refuse to date feminist (which is your right but lets think about this)

    "As long as the man provides me with money and the materialistic things I need, I don't concern myself with his sexual proclivities.

    A man is purely an object for us women to use for our pleasure and is incapable of human emotion as we women are." .....anti feminist is saying this.  Are they really that great? please...

  8. Handle him often. Sounds like fun. Instead of his and hers pants, you have hers and hers panties. Hope he doesn't stain them too much.

  9. best stay quite let him look like a big man in front of his friends but if he ever annoys you in the future be sure to have a picture of him prancing and boom make him a myspace page

  10. I smell the same closeted male cross-dresser, who appears to have multiple identities, fishing for kicks.

  11. u should tell everyone what he wear underneath pants

  12. Samantha,Tell him to wake up and smell the coffee this is the twentyfirst century, we are partners.Anything you can do I can do better, and no doubt look better when doing it !

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