
How would having a rental application and car application at the same time affect my credit?

by  |  earlier

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I' am getting ready to move, and also at the same time I am looking into buying a "new" (used but new to me) car. How will applying for both of these things around the same time affect my credit score?

I have heard that if you have multiple inquiries on your credit score within a certain amount of days they only count as 1 inquiry, instead of multiple. So like if I put my rental application in and the car application in during the same week, will they count as one inquiry on my credit or more?




  1. The only inquiry that will lower your score is the one for the auto purchase as this is considered a "hard hit" and counts for more then a "soft hit" which is what a rental application is considered.

    The CRA's will only count multiple inquires if they are for the same type of credit and all done within 15 days, such as shopping for a mortgage or auto.

    Hope this answers your question

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