
How would i be able to practise fghting on my own and nobody to practise with?

by  |  earlier

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i dont have professional gear and i dont know what else to use.




  1. You can't learn to fight without someone else - it is impossible to learn to block, counter-strike, dodge, grapple, etc. without someone throwing punches at you and fighting back.  It's like learning to cook without ingredients.

    Find a qualified instructor and take classes or join your school wrestling team.

  2. You can always buy a punching bag as well as a speed bag. This will help your strength and endurance. Not to mention your hand eye coordination. Or you can always start a fight club like Brad.

  3. You will need to combine it with xp against a real opponent at some point but visualisation may be used. You shadow box and attempt to visualise realistic sequences of attacks ie what attack would follow on from a straight punch, a knee to the groin etc.

  4. I used to train in a local kenpo school, I had to go through all their hoops, go to tournaments(which I can't stand) wear a white uniform(only instructors can wear what they want). After 4yrs I learned enough Kata's and all the basics to work on for a lifetime. Because it takes a lifetime to interpret whats in them. Also I really just would rather train alone. I know that I will never be a master training alone, but I can still get excellent at Kenpo. BOTTOM LINE IS BUY VIDEOS, DO KATA TILL YOUR BLUE IN THE FACE AND WORK THOSE BASICS. Good Luck

  5. Get a friend who has some gear. Whether that gear is a punchbag or some pads and mitts. An alternative choice is to buy a cheap punchbag. I bought one where you fill up the base with water and blow up the punchy thing. 15 quid.  Another choice would be to take up a martial art and usually you can spar for part of the lesson.

  6. i know how you feel T_T i was always practicing alone at home because my brother does not fight, and if he does he plays "pummel my opponent to a bloody pulp" style, so i never really had a casual fighter to prepare for competition with, especially in the studio, no one could fight on my level, except maybe the instructors, but they rarely got in the ring with their students.... sigh

    just keep practicing on your own or in my case on lower level people

  7. ya like the other guy said, if you have the money start a fight club or join one.

    or the old fashion way, pick street fights with dirts....

    its not recommend to fight dirts, they fight dirty.

    its only like 40 bucks a month to join a martial arts, school, get a job.

  8. No equipment - Shadow Boxing, just getting the movements down is good practice.

  9. You can't really do it.  Even if you got a grappling dummy or a BOB it doesn't really simulate a resisting opponent and that is the missing piece of the puzzle.  It's like learning to drive without actually having a car.

    I wouldn't recommend starting a fight club.  It's a really stupid idea and people are going to just end up hurt.  You need proper instruction in an environment where you can learn in relative safety and work on moves with increasing levels of resistance.

    Remember that the purpose of learning a martial art is to know how to fight but avoid fighting.

  10. start a fight club like brad.

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