
How would i clean the inside of my laptop?

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Ho can i clean the dirt and dust from inside my laptop without taking it apart?




  1. The only good way to do this is to blast compressed air into the fan port while the computer is powered down.  You can also spray compressed air anywhere their is a crease or opening in the casing.  Just make sure you keep the can fully upright or you'll send a cold blast of propellant into your laptop (not exactly harmful, but not smart). Further than that, you'd have to dissassemble the laptop and it's not entirely worth your time.  Just remember to not eat or drink anything around your tablet and used compressed air and a light amount of a soft clenser (windex) to keep your keyboard and screen clean.  Also, if you have pets, keep them away from it at all costs.  Their fur and dander are notoriously bad for s******g up laptops.  As always, be careful cleaning your laptop keyboard as the keys will come loose VERY easily and cost you dearly in repairs if you're not careful.

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