
How would i contact someone in the Justice Ministry of Turkiye?

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I need to contact someone in the Justice Ministry of Turkiye, but i need someone that speaks english. plz help me




  1. Hi,

    This is Website of Justice Minitry;

    Choose -> E-posta

  2. You can send an e mail via this address.

    +90 (312) 417 77 70 is the pbx phone number of the Ministry. You can call and ask for someone who speaks English.

  3. where are you? if ur in the UK i suggest maybe trying to use google to find your local turkish embassey.if u happen to live in the city the embassey is in,go in and they will help you.if not give them a call,explain what u need and im sure they will sort it out for u.

    thumbs down?! for what?! if she lives in the UK then the turkish embassey will save her alot of problems on the phone!! jeez...some people really are stuck up...

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