
How would i create a LAN so that i can play games with the other laptops and pc's in my house

by  |  earlier

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Modem: DSL-G604T

Laptops: Dell M1330, M1730

PC: Dell Dimension 9300




  1. The only way you can create a LAN is by having either

    1) Some ethernet wire (commonly known as Cat5) and this wire is going to plug into the ethernet card on your computer. The other end of the wire would connect to an Ethernet router. This is a flat box that contains several ports for ethernet wires. You then plug in the other computers into the Ethernet router the same way. It's pretty simple, and the game should take it from there.

    2) You can buy a wireless router (also known as a WiFi router/hotspot) from your local computer store, and this'll double up as a device that provides wireless internet access to your laptops from your house. Then you can either connect wirelessly to this router (using Wireless adapters) or, you can connect your computer to the Wireless router using the same Cat5 cable.

    The first method  will ensure much faster speeds of communication, but I find that my wireless LAN supports multiplayer quite well (I play UT2003 with my brother, with him playing on his laptop). Plus you have the bonus of having wireless internet access in your house :)

    Hope that helped!

  2. i think you need internet sharing not LAN

    For internet sharing

    - buy modem and ethernet switch

    - connect modem with ISP

    - connect your Laptop and PC to ethernet switch

    for internet sharing with bluetooth, learn from this tutorial

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