
How would i find an english speaking french friend on the internet?

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I am a 50 year old woman with a fasination for france,living in the western USA doesn't provide alot of opportunity to talk to french residents.




  1. hey im one i know frnch and english

  2. Bon matin, Madame...

    You have an error in your question that most people make simply for lack of awareness.

    You should be requesting to seek / find and english speaking "FRANCE" friend.

    Natives of France are very prideful that they are referred to as Francians and not simply as a "french(man)".  Nonetheless, the media and the entire world tend to label Francians as frenchmen and so they live with it while twisting their nose.

    I am French Canadian of origin and it appears the western world has chosen to dub Canadians as "frenchmen".  Perhaps the France french are jealous and want to remain unique as they certainly seem always wanting to have the last word.  Hmmm...perhaps "last-wordians" would be better yet...! find the one(s) you seek, you must go to the address below.  It is free of cost and very trusting.


    I would suggest also that you research the France culture further with regards to what your interests are.  France, and most of Europe, zone their country in regions and each region becomes quite unique of its own culture.

    Good luck and I wish you well.

  3. I've been living in France now for 10 years.

    Might be an idea to try searching on Yahoo Groups.

    Here are a few links:

  4. go to a french chat. write some english someone might write back if they can understand.

  5. I am a French woman living in California. send me an e-mail, I love sharing my experience of growing up in france and living in the US now.

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