
How would i get in to pro tour cycling?

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i live in england and i am in a cycling club but how would i go pro




  1. I'm sure England has many pro teams.  Your club should be able to direct you toward some of them or you can look them up on the web.

    I would try to contact one or more of them and ask for a try out.

    Like any other pro sport, you better have shown your talent as an amateur or be able to convince team management that you have the talent to be a pro.

  2. england may be different, but in the states it is a matter of being picked up by a sponser.  most cyclists work thier way up through the classes, starting off as a CAT4 and working up through the classes by earning points by placing high in races.  as you do, sponsers start to take notice and ask you to ride for thier teams.  sometimes it isnt the best riders, but the ones that get picked up that make the teams.

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