
How would i go about disowing my mother

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i don' speak to my mum, haven't done for nearly 5 yeas, she threw me out when i was 12 and she hit me and was very abusive up until this age.she causes me so much grief even up to this day, the police have been involved in our problems as we have fought and ii finally want to say good bye to her and get her out of my life.




  1. well if you aren't 18 - you can legally "emancipate yourself"

    If you are 18 - just don't bother with her anymore  (don't return calls/avoid contact/move)- when she is old and needy she can then reflect on her ill treatment of you.  

  2. Soph,

    Well life someytimes puts us into strange relations, which sometimes cause us sorrow other times brings us joy.maybe from what it appers from your situation, you share a love-hate relationship with your mom.if i am in a love-hate relation which causes me more pain than joy, i would simply disengage with the person.i would simply stop responding to the person in question and  will not react to other persons actions. this shall prevent all immediate conflicts and  also eliminate the possibiliy of any further emotional turmoil.maybe some time down the line, the other person would feel my absence and maybe our terms improve. i would avoid any legal actions as taking that course  will make any future reunion tough.

  3. No idea, but when you find out tell me!

    Oh and I think in the US ( if you live there) you can legally divorce your parents lmao. it's g*y.

  4. You just gave yourself the answer, get her out of you life. You haven't seen her in 5 years so I'm sure she assumes you aren't coming back. So in essence you already did disown her. Though, I wouldn't look at it like that, she was a horrible mother to you and the only way you could escape it was by leaving. You did the right thing, now move on and one day maybe you'll have kids and you'll know then, how to not treat your kids. Good luck and many Blessings.

  5. just do it...i always thought that nothing could be kinder than a mother , and this is a big shock to hear that there are some mothers who are so cruel to their children ...say good bye to her and wish u the best of luck

  6. Move

  7. I don't think there is any official ceremony where you can disown your mother.  Perhaps the closest thing you can do to disowning your mother would be to change your family name.

  8. If you don't speak to her, and haven't in almost 5 years, then why the question?  It sounds like you have already disowned her.

  9. I do not know if there is a legal way to remove yourself form you mother but 8 years ago I sent my parents a signature required letter informing them that I no longer would deal with them or have any contact with them.

    I left out all the emotion and simply stated it as a fact, they responded with a letter. I wrote "refused" on it and put it back in the mail.

    I do not have a listed phone number or address and have not been contacted since.

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