
How would i help a newbie in investment banking?

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the scene is new york. the deals are in the billions. i am the operations guy, keeping everything in flow. the newbie is HBS - 2 years out.

every time a client is due in he goes crazy. he runs around printing too many copies of his proposal . in and out of the bathroom. he come unglued an i have to put the meet together.




  1. Too many copies? Too often in the bathroom? Remind him of how many trees they are having to cut down to keep him in paper.

    Keep a log, including of those moments when you have to give the "calm down" speech.

    Business is always like that: tough, hardened sergeants keeping loopy lieutenants looking good, the common secretary makes the common bumbling boss look like a genius. At the agency that does my insurance, I've done business there for 12 years and yet to see the agent, but his help really does a bang-up job.

    In time "newbie" will either settle down or move on. Just make sure that you have sufficient notes to show that YOU aren't the problem when the boss complains about the performance reports from customers and co-workers.

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