
How would i know if my backyard is chemical free?

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basically good enough for me to grow fruits and eat, which i guess you can consider organic?




  1. What the USDA organic program would require is a signed affadavid from the former tenets saying they had not used any chemicals in the past 3 years and than the land would be considered chemical free.

    Unless you are gping for organic certification don't worry about it and simply manage the land organically and in time it will achieve balance and the soils will be healthy and lively and able to support healthy nutritious plants.

    In the modern world our soils (and us) are pretty much being constantly bombarded with nasty chemicals, these things are in our air and water so it is about impossible to avoid them unless you can convince everyone within 1000 miles of you to stop using all chemicals. So all you can do is do your best at feeding the soil and keeping your small eco-system in balance.

  2. When you bought your house and the lawn and gardens looked picture perfect, the previous owner probably "nuked" the begeeses out of it with every chemical in the lawn and garden section. RScott

  3. you will want to take samples to your local health department

    they check water

    well water


    bugs of all types and more

    i have a coal plant by me and i always check the mercury level

  4. Pesticides start to break down after application.  Chances of there being a significant residue left in the soil from applications made in previous years are slim. Sinthetic fertilizers would not show up in any test as test results would be expressed as Nitrogen Phosphorous and Potassium, the same as if organic fertilizers are used.  So if you start planting now, and use only organic treatments there should be no issues.  You will know what your food has been treated with, which is better than what you might be currently purchasing.  

    If there is a particular contaminant you are concerned about from ie from an industrial site then your local health department should be able to give you some information.

  5. If you live where there is a college or university you probably can take a sample to them. A lot of times they do that kind of stuff for free....There are also state agencies that can preform the tests...Happy farming!

  6. Yes you are correct.

    You can use Compost ( decomposed organic matter) as fertilizers and neem oil as pesticide if you go for organic farming.

    Best of Luck

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