
How would i promote my newaly created website which is; ?

by  |  earlier

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How would i promote my newaly created website which is; plz post suggestions. ?




  1. Submit your website for review, free!

    Go to Famous Pages

  2. Through free ad sites. I suggest ;

  3. These 4 steps to get more visitors on your blog for free

    Want to get google rank this is what you should do

    50 ways to get instant traffic for free

    Learn to Add RSS feed properly

    Optimize your blogger title add a meta tag so its easier for google

    to find you

    This is an important step post your blog in forums which helps you get

    Backlink leave comments and get comments  

  4. Make sure that the words that describe your business are included in the "page titles" since search engines pay particular attention to these. /

  5. There a several ways to promote your website.  You can go to blogs that have the same interest as your website, leave relevant comments (don't spam).  You can even start a blog yourself to drive traffic to your website.  Article writing  and submission will drive traffic to your site.  These are ways to promote your site without spending a dime.  If you have the money, you can pay for advertising.  Since google is the best tool to use, try it.      

  6. First, you need to create some content.

    Once that's done :

    1. Register with Yahoo, Google and other search engines

    2. Post on forums and social networking sites about your page

    3. Get inbound links from other websites on the same topic

    4. Send -emails to friends on yahhoo who you think would be interested

    5. Place meta tags on your pages to help search engines rank them better

    If you're not sure how to do these, go to google and type: "how to ..." and what you want to do.

    Hope this helps :)

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