
How would i raise about 6,000 dollars for a trip in two months?

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I am a 13 kid who wants to go on a trip to Australia and New Zealand so do you have any ideas on how i could raise the money in two months




  1. I'm wondering why a 13 year old wants to save that much money to come to Australia...

  2. To be honest, i don't think its possible for a 13 year old to earn this amount of money in 2 months. The only way i can think of you doing it is:

    - Get an after school job (i think many fast-food places will take on a youngster of 13 with written permission from parents) and work like crazy to earn as much money as possible

    - Sell things you don't need on ebay

    - Do odd jobs for family, friends & neighbors to earn money

    - And then whatever you need on top of that, you'll have to ask your parents for a loan and pay them back gradually. You cannot get a loan from a bank because of your age.

    Your parents would be the best bet.. but $6000 is a lot of money!! Im in my 20's and i've struggled to save $3000 in 6 months for a trip to Thailand!!

  3. that's a h**l of a lot of junk mail you are going to have to deliver in two months.

  4. Start selling everything you own on ebay.

  5. Borrow it from your parents.

    Or work your butt off with a paper route.

  6. You need to lower your expectations or start planning a lot earlier.

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