
How would it affect a person who wants to major in counceling but doesnt have a social security ?

by  |  earlier

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what should i do and what classes should i take meaning an educational plan




  1. you've got this in the wrong section

  2. In this country, you can't do anything without a social security card. At least not legally you can't.

  3. why don't you ask a careers officer

  4. Huh???  If you don't have a social security card, take steps to get one.

    If you're illegal in this country, then you're not going to be a counselor because you have to past tests and get licensed.

  5. I'm not really sure what you mean by how it would affect you.  Please be more clear.

  6. First, you need that social security card to get a job.  If you are illegal, get legal.  You can't council others unless you have those matters resolved.

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