
How would it be possible for Sarah Palin to be a mother and VP @ the same time?

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Wouldn't that be just too much of a big load for the poor little woman?




  1. shes a governor and mother and VP does less then a governor

  2. Republican Dads stay with their baby's mommas.

  3. How would it be possible for Obama to be a President and a dad?????? How would it be possible for Michelle to be a First Lady, and hold down her job at the hospital (where she makes $300000 a year) and be a mom?

  4. How would it be possible for Obama to be a dad and President at the same time?  

  5. How would it be possible for anybody to be anything while doing anything else at the same time?

  6. I like how people act like it is such a big deal that she has children, but nobody mentions Obama's two kids.

    Isn't that just too much of a big load for the poor little man?

  7. Regardless of how much I don't think this woman is suitable. This is a highly ignorant thing to say.

  8. Uh, cuz for the last 40 years wacky far-left wingnut femininas have telling it's possible? Just a thought. :-))))))))))))))

  9. She can field dress a moose...I don't think she has any problem raising 5 kids and working. SEXIST MUCH?

  10. She's a rugged Alaskan and they can do just about anything they set their mind to.

  11. It's impossible, just like it is for Obama to be a father and president at the same time.

  12. You are a sexist.

    She would doubtlessly have help with the children.

  13. That would be too big a load for any woman to bear

    The Vice President of the United States has many responsibilities

    I don't know what the people were thinking that nominated her for this workload

    It simply is asking too much of her

  14. she was gov and did it. it only goes to prove all women are less capable than men, no matter the situation, right. mccain has seven, good thing he has a wife that stays home all day or did over the past 26 years. what is she thinking? now a man with five kids, that is a whole different thing, right?

  15. Every president I can think of had children. How is Palin any different?

  16. She has to find out what the vp does first

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