
How would life in general be if a day was lets say 50 hours long not 24?

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how would our life pattern be?

would our state of mind be effected?




  1. That would depend: Would I be now expected to work 17 hours a day? Sleep 17 hours a day? Five "day" work week? would it be dark 15-30 hours a day (depending on the season)? All of these things would play a part.

  2. gosh I would be knackered.... Would we get more time off work for holidays....

  3. tiring

  4. Then the NHS sould expect me to work at least 40 of them

  5. Well i dont no about 50 hours, however i can gurantee you that thier will be just a day where it will be 50 thousand years long, are prepered for this day?

  6. If we still only needed about 8 of those 50 hours to sleep I think it would be brilliant. You could get so much more into a day - thats providing work hours arnt bumped up to take up most of the day

  7. Siestas and lots of them. That or we would adapt and still complain about how crammed our days are.

  8. If it had always been 50 days, we would not know the difference, as we would have evolved to be used to it like that.

    However, if for some weird reason it extended from 24 to 50, then again, we'd just adapt the working day, to have a sleep period in the middle.  After all, even though the sun does not set on Iceland for 6 months of the year, they still observe a 24 hour clock and live accordingly.

  9. god, 24 hrs is long enough! If i had to work anymore i wouldnt enjoy it at all, my mind would definatly be affected!! but if i could sleep for the extra time... well, then your on to something!

  10. One need only return to an age of Tzars and other Royals of

    Europe to find people groaning 50 or more hours in thrall to

    kingdoms.  Rome wasn't built in a day but it did set patterns

    for how common people would be treated.  Suggest a lapse

    in state of mind makes us blind to our long coming of age.

  11. ***I think this is one of the coolest questions I've ever read on yahoo answers***

    So kudos!

    I would say that, if a day was 50 hours rather than 24, then we would have:

    (a) two sleep "breaks".

    (b) a slightly different perception of time. More COULD get done in one day, but people would have to pace themselves accordingly - workers who put in long days couldn't put in 40 hour days, for example.

    (c) basically everything else would stay the same.


  12. i think i wud nt want a day to be so long coz then we wud have to studyy so much in 1 dayy!!

    bt on special ocassions,i would want the day to be such long.......

  13. you'd think we'd have more time to accomplish all we feel we never get done, but i bet life would be more hectic...just more to do with more hours.

  14. I think it would not be so different from now . If it was always 50 hours then you would have grown up with it just as we have with 24 . It's a bit like saying 30 mins is now an hour - how did that effect you ?

  15. So let's say Earth just had a slower spin, so nighttime was about 24 hours long, and daytime about the same, with some variation in winter and summertime and towards the poles.

    Quite an interesting scenario really. I think it would be a completely different Earth. We would surely see different animals and different plants evolving to suit the longer days and longer nights- as well as longer winters and longer summers- and humans would have to adapt too.

    I think the pace of life would be slower, with a lot more mealtimes, and different working hours. If humans had evolved to be awake for 24 hours and asleep for 24 hours, then our perception of time would be a different- eg, an hour would seem like half an hour.

    Life cycles would be different too. Perhaps keeping active for 24 hours on the trot would make us a shorter lived species due to wear and tear? or perhaps we would simply become more robust, or just more prone to napping? Anyway, if they were precisely the same, instead of expecting to live to 70, you can now look forward to living to 35, because the years are longer. Mmm, well, years could be the same length actually, they would just have fewer days in them...

    These little things would all effect how society and the economy was organised, but I think the implications are immense. As for our state of mind, I think the different perception of time would be key, but that might be accompanied by a completely different physiology as well, and life would be different depending on how that turned out.

  16. On one hand, at first we'd get more time for rest and recreation, giving people more time to do what they need / want, so people would be healthier and happier.

    On the other hand the government/corporations would soon want us to work 20-hour days so more profit would be made. If anything tiredness would factor much more into work, so more people will be wanting to sleep during the day. It kind-of offsets, y'know?

  17. I could have a 3 hour lunch a 5 hour afternoon nap.

  18. That would be crazy but I suppose if we'd been doing it all our lives we would be used to.. and if we just did everything in the same percentage we'd probably get 16hours to sleep... and 8 hours when you been out drinking!! lol

    But work would be S***e! Cos we'd be working upto 16hours if it was the same as now! Unless we could still do around 8 hours :) that would be nice... get them out the way in the morning after a 4hour lieing then we still got about 30hours left til bedtime :):) nice......

    *Danny B*

  19. as long as it meant the same amount of work, more play and way more sleep awesome

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