
How would my cat learn to eat

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how owuld i teach a 4 week old kitten to eat hard food




  1. just really mush a little cat food down with fork and put sum on the edge of a saucer sum kitz take to it straight away sum need it put there a few times before they will taste it, also put a small bowl of water down for it, or mix sum food with a little kitten milk  

  2. get some bread and get it wet with some milk and give it to the kitten see whats the results.

    good luck!! :-)

  3. First, test his readiness to accept semi solid food. To test, drip some formula onto your finger and your palm. Test to see if he is able to l**k them. If he appears interested and can l**k off the formula, he is ready to lap from a dish.

    You can start now by mixing her wet food with water to make a gruel. Then, encourage her to lap on the food dish. If she is unable to lap or does not know what to do, dip one finger into the gruel and gently place it on her lips. She will l**k it and might just find it palatable. Slowly move your finger into the dish as she sniff it. Gently dip your finger into the dish and allow her to lap on the dish. It takes some time but she will get the idea.

  4. get the food wet or start off with some soft food

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