
How would my kitten cope living in a small studio??

by  |  earlier

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Am moving to London next Monday, I'm in Kent now, how will my kitten cope, he's allready indors, And my landlord said I can let him in the garden But I have to be there, So what do you guys think?




  1. He will do fine..

    Just get it something to climb up on  or a window seat...

    it will do fine as long as you are there to love on it.

  2. i have 3 cats and in a 1 bedroom flat and they are fine.

  3. Unless you have a problem with your cat running off you should be fine.

  4. If he is a house kitten, start training him to walk on a harness and lead so that you can take him into the garden without him scampering off and getting lost or end up under the wheels of a bus.

    My cats have always been house cats, and spend most of their lives choosing to stay in just our bedroom till we come home when they move from the bed onto our laps in the living room!  Very indolent creatures are moggies.

    Don't forget a scratching post and bring in a pot of growing grass from time to time.

  5. should be ok,cats are pretty rissiliant,just play with it often,make sure it gets exorcise

  6. your kitten will cope really fine....

    me and my partner had kittens in our apartment and they loved it

    we could tell they felt cosy

    have fun

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