
How would one begin a career as a music artist in the Christian music industry?

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Singing is my passion, and I feel it is the gift God has given me to do His will and to get inspirational messages to others. I have the determination, and drive to do this, but how does one do this as a career? Some helpful ideas or tips would be sweet! Thanks a bunch! :)




  1. I usually agree with mamianka %1000 about all things but not this time! I think that you have to distinguish between music for church and the Christan music industry! I don't think that God would exclude anyone from church band just because they didn't have a music degree! and nor should we! You don't have to be a good musician to worship! I hate to see people excluded just because they are not as good as other musicians! I once heard a story about a terrible guitar player who PASSIONATELY wanted to play with the band! They let him up front but the the amp turned off!! I would think is the way that God would want us  to do it! The Christain doctrine is one of acceptance, torerance and love surely that is the way of God

    Sorry I know that is a little off topic but I hate to see people excluded in a place  that meant to include everyone just because they aren't as good musically.  

    If its a career then there are differences! Firstly make no mistake as mamianka said above it is still cuthroat! But dont be mislead about how easy it will be just beacuse we are all christians! Christains can be just as bitchy as secular musicians! Its not alll nice and touchy feely! I would ask if that what you AND God wants for your life! Think about pray about that one for a long time!

    Secondly as with secular musicians I would get as many lessons as you can! Study with all kinds of different teachers! Immerse yourslelf in music! And be prepared to learn for a long time! Decades even! Join your church band! Anything that will give you the experince that you need! Be prepared for the long haul! Will you maintain your passion for God and music and the convinction that God wants you to do that after  knockback after knockback?!? That is the test!

  2. Are you in the praise band in your own church?  Are you  TRULY above and beyond anyone else you hear and see in any other church you attend?  Because the music business - Christian or not - has no room for wannabees.  A born-again friend of mine and I were talking about the dismal level of music in some churches, and how there are LOTS of people who think that just being spirit-filled is enough.  She wisely said "I know know the Lord led them to church music - it sure would have been better if He had led them through music college first . . . ".  How true!  You may be filled with the Spirit.  You may be filled with talent.  But to be a success in the music BUSINESS, you must also be filled with SKILLS - music skills, business skills, marketing skills, etc.  Don't think "Oh, I will have a manager for all that!"  Unless you are ALREADY incredible, you will not GET a manager!  Passion is not NEARLY enough.  Neither is talent.  Sorry, but that's the truth.

  3. Ask your VOICE TEACHER... if you are as good as you say you are and you have all that drive and determination, then your VOICE TEACHER should be able to help you towards a career...

    Just remember, the music business is DOG EAT DOG and it doesn't really matter if it's Christian or Secular... and you will be competing with other hopefuls in auditions.

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