
How would one go about forfeiting their parental rights on a child they are not able to see or talk to?

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How would one go about forfeiting their parental rights on a child they are not able to see or talk to?




  1. Sounds like what you really want to forfeit is your child support.  Do the right thing & work through the system to have a relationship with your child.

  2. You will have to talk to a lawyer..The state may require that the child has to have someone willing to adopt him or her ie. a step dad or step mom.  You will still be responsible for back child support. But, if you are willing to do something like that then the child is better off without you.

  3. If you want to see or talk to your child petition the court for visitation.  Abandoning your child is not the answer to a vile vindictive mother who doesn't care enough about her child to let him have a father.

  4. That's the very saddest question I've read.  I'm so sorry for you.

  5. WOW! when you find out let me know, I pay child support on a kid I met only twice. and she just dont want me around, because shes immature. hes 10

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