
How would one go about getting a job at the bbc or itv, sky etc?

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would you need a specific degree?




  1. A lot of patience, working for free, not getting disheartened when they say no 50 times. One thing I have learnt is that degrees help you do the job often once you've got the job. To get the job it's kind of a catch 22 - you need experience. Firstly, send in your cv to lots of companies. Not just BBC but independent production companies. Look on the internet for production companies near to where you live. Try:

    and search for unpaid or lopaid work.

    Then on the CV show your enthusiasm to be a runner and that you want to watch and learn. Often what they are looking for is just a hard worker, someone who doesn't mind answering phones and making cups of tea. While there show that you are intelligent too and most of all show them that you are an easily approachable person and is easy to get along with. These types of people are more likely to get into this business.

    Before you apply though, think about what area you are interested in and explain why. Don't just say you have a passion for watching documentaries and expect to get some work experience at a production company that makes documentaries.

    If there is a specific area you want to work in then degrees can help but to get your foot in the door it is not important, trust me put this at the end of the CV.

    Hope that helps!

  2. You don't need any specific degree, but a degree would be helpful.

    I have included these two links for you to peruse.

  3. Depends on what kind of work you want.  You don't need that many qualifications to push the tea trolley round!

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