
How would one go about potty training a monkey?

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How would one go about potty training a monkey?




  1. same as kids & dogs.  Reward the good behaviour, ignore the bad.

  2. you gonna need a whole stalk of bananas for that one.

  3. It is never going to happen no matter how hard and how cleverly you try.

  4. You can try the same as with dogs and cats but don't expect good results. Reward good behaviour. But my friend who had a pet monkey said monkey are not very traineable in that regard. They like to throw their p**p, nothing you can do.

  5. designate a special wall for him to fling his sh*t at.

  6. I'd train them just like a human, monkeys are smart

  7. Observe his behavior until you learn to tell when he is about to go (this is easy as they usually squat, get quiet and look like they are concentrating on something.  When you've learned how he looks, be prepared to pick him up and run over to the potty.  Then reward him with words and a small treat (a piece of fruit or something).  You should be able to do this and get him trained in 2 or 3 days.

  8. Probably the same way to potty train a human, considering that we are pretty alike. Give the monkey a treat when it does it in the potty and spank it's wrist when it does the wrong way.

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