
How would one start a successfull World War Two museum.?

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I am really interested in WWII and I feel that is what I want to do in my life, own a museum of something I love. How would I even begin to build something that successfull?




  1. maby werk in a muzeum first  

  2. Start with research. What other WWII museums already exist, or what other museums with WWII-related exhibits exist? Try to visit some of them, both on the web and in person. Their websites will usually say something about how they got started.

    Next, plan your design. How big will the museum be? Will it be a small, specialized place or a major center for WWII history and memorabilia?

    What aspects will you focus on, what will you include? Military moves? The weapons used back then? Hitler? Concentration camps? Resistance movements? What else?

    What will you show and how? Do you already have a collection of WWII memorabilia? Will you purchase it or seek donations? Will you create scenes? Replay newsreels?  Who will design it, you, museum curators, professional designers?

    How will you fund the project? You may be able to get grants, but you'll probably need other financing. Fundraisers? Loans? Probably rounding up a core group of enthusiasts, especially some with money, would help get it off the ground.

    One museum that does an absolutely excellent job of exhibiting a historic period is the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute in Alabama.

    Visitors proceed through the exhibits in a chronological order, viewing films, items from the times (everything from segregated drinking fountains to Martin Luther King's jail cell), and re-creations of rooms and places; reading synopses of events year by year; hearing newscasts and the voices of people expressing common sentiments of the time. Everything including sound and lighting contribute to the experience. I mention it as an outstanding model of a history-type museum that you ought to visit to see just what can be done to make a top-quality museum.

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