
How would our political landscape have changed if we had lost our 1981 rugby match against South Africa?

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How would our political landscape have changed if we had lost our 1981 rugby match against South Africa?




  1. According to theory, the National Government retained power through gaining the middle class and rural votes by allowing the 1981 “apartheid tour” to take place. However, there is a theory that if the All Black rugby team had lost that series (which they came very close to doing so), public sentiment would have changed and a nation that had been divided by the tour would actually have joined forces to oust the National government. This in turn would have seen a Labour led Government take power three years earlier, and perhaps New Zealand would have seen a very different 1980s than what actually occurred. Some of the main players such as Sir David Lange, Roger Douglas and the like may not have been as prepared for Government and the prominence of such politicians such as Winston Peters may have occurred much earlier.

  2. It wouldnt have had any effect

  3. jiopppy vunf.

  4. no

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