
How would prison affect this character?

by Guest57401  |  earlier

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The character is 28 years old, male, perfectionist, shy and introverted used to work in economics and was kind of a nerd.

He goes to prison due to sexual activities with a 11 years old girl

Please help with info about the environment at prisons.

Also I'd appreciate if someone could tell me how could this character's personality change after he leaves prison (he stays there only 1 year, too long to explain why)




  1. Watch some of the docuementaries like "Lock Down", etc. on Nat.Geo, and others. They are very informative when it comes to the situations and environmental issues present at prisons.

    I know someone who is a prison guard at a level 3 (it goes up to 4) prison. Most of these men are rapists, murderers, child molesters, and/or have overall violent tendancies, though there are the few that just get sent in on the 3rd strike rule, and may have committed armed robbery one too many times.

    Basically, rapists and child molestors (like your character), must be placed until victim protection, because if the other inmates find out what he's in for, they will kill him. Even the sinister don't tolerate that kind of stuff I suppose.

    Depending on his race, or ethnic affiliations, he will be forced to side with a race/gang in the prison. There are the Whites (usually skin-heads/white supremesists), the Blacks (inside of them you have the two gangs: Bloods and Crypts), the South Siders (Mexicans--I think these guys are the "true" hispanics, i.e. born and raised), and another type of hispanic gang (forget the name, but they are born/raised in US and just affiliate with hispanics), "Other" (prison-terms for S.Islanders, Asians, Indians, etc.). The hispanics (if for shere numbers over most of the other groups) tend to get into the most fights/trouble (statistically) and are most often on lockdown. Staff assault, prisoner assault, controban, etc, are all very common. A new prisoner is new meat. He must join a gang to survive, he must (in this case) hide his identity and more.

    Prison will probably cause him to get very mousy I would think, and turn into a plotter, or put him in survival mode. When he gets out, he might be more paranoid and flighty, or more agressive and on-edge. A year isn't too long, but it's long enough. Depending on what happens to him during his stay in prison, will certainly dictate what happens to him once he gets out.

  2. If the other inmates find out why he's there he's going to be treated very badly. He'll prolly get raped and beat up often.

  3. Thats true. He may not be in general population because of this. But he will be housed with other sexual deviants, that will take advantage of him. Prisons arent all, drug, rapes, and beatings. But he will be a traumatized because of being isolated from the outside world and the freedom of doo dooing in the privacy of his own bathroom. If he's lucky he will have his own cell. Just the environment of it all is traumatizing. Things he will witness, things he will hear. People making your food spitting and peeing in it just because they can. He should stay away from anyone with a Life sentence. They have nothing to lose and will not care about hurting him. He might want to align himself with some kind of group. Muslims, Black Panther, Italians or Aryans, because if you are alone you will definitely be eaten alive by the other inmates. Better start working with groups, AA, or whatever Pedophile group he will have to go there. Keep his nose clean.Psychologically he will be messed up. Anytime you are in an environment you have to be careful what you expose yourself to. Or you will become that environment.  

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