
How would someone be able to get a person from the country of mexico...this is a very important question?

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My cousin jennifer is an american or was...SHe went down there with a mexican guy and has been down there for like 4 or 5 years. Her husband down there beats her and stuff like that she says. I dont know wether to believe her or not. She says that her man burned her social secruity card and every form of identification. Does anyone know what i can do i really want her back but i have no clue how to.




  1. The US embassy in Mexico City, or any US consulate will assist her in returning.  However, she's got to take action by going in and requesting help.  They aren't going to go out, grab her, and ship her back against her free will.

  2. other than encourage her to can do nothing.

    She Must chose to entry to US is NOT the issue.

  3. She has to call the police down there. Call border patrol or something of that nature and see what her options are. If he burned all her identification, she has to somehow get new ones there. Hard situation. Good luck, but remember, it's not your fault she is in this situation, she is the only one who has control.

  4. Another US Citizen/alien marriage gone bad.  When will these women ever learn?!

    She's still a US citizen if she was before.  She can just show up at the US border and claim US Citizenship (the computer will show it to be true if it is) and explain the situation.  Have her do it now!  A similiar thing happened to a friend and she turned up missing in mexico.

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