
How would someone get started in politics?

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If someone wanted to get involved in politics (become a politician), what are some ways to get started?




  1. Other than being a Kennedy?

    Well start small, and run for local offices. Try and get involved with other local politicians. Dont lose touch with your base is you make it higher.

  2. Smoke some crack, hang out with raicsts.terrorists and slum lords, attend a racist church for 20 years and get a male on male BJ in the back of a limo

    It also helps if you keep reminding everyone that you are black

  3. Do you really want to know? I can't post it here without being violated!

  4. Money, lots of money.

    And chapstick, lots of Butt kissing

  5. Best to start locally. Run for school board or city council. Then move up from there.

    Where I live, we have someone that ran for school board (and won) 4 years ago, and is now running for state house. Also, out governor started out on the city council in a suburb, moved up to state house, became speaker of the house (at state level still), then governor (he's also one of the people on the "short list" for McCain's VP, which we are suppose to find out who that is later today).

    It also helps a lot if you start working on other people's campaigns. Get your name out there, and get recognized by the party you belong to (if any). Political classes also help out, along with law (look at all the lawyers that become politicians).

    This all assumes you are not born into or marry into a family big in politics (Kennedy, Bush, Clinton, etc.), and you are not already "famous" for whatever reason.

  6. Become a Marxist rabble-rouser errrrrr Community Organizer.

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