
How would the Dark Knight fare against criminals in the Philippines?

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I mean we already have a Joker... Joker Arroyo.

Who would be two-face?

The penguin?

Would Gloria Arroyo look good in a tight leather catwoman outfit?




  1. Ease up on Gloria, dude.  She aint bad lookin for an old gal.

  2. You got a perfect imagination, Buddy! The two-face? Perfectly suited for Lito Atienza!

  3. I'd definitely cast GMA as the penguin. I doubt about that Catwoman suit on her. There'd be more adjustments in the suit. I'll let Ms. Loren Legarda do the feisty job as Catwoman.

    Two-face would be Romulo Neri.

    & about the Bat mobile, I think it'll get through, however, I'm just not sure how long it'll take with all those traffic lights in makati.

  4. GMA as catwoman, I don't know. She doesn't have the legs.

    Two-face? Any of the local balimbings would be nice.

    Erap would make a better penguin, the walk and shape and all.

  5. zzz... erap would be the penguin & legarda would be the two-face. hmmm... beer... zzz...

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